The Image of the Week was taken at Kent's Pond. The current pictures section has more photos of the cute ducklings, some from the Botanical Garden and Signal Hill.
The Image of the week was taken while flying over Portugal Cove on our way to Ottawa. The current photos section has more pictures of Newfoundland from the plane and also some macro shots.
The Image of the Week is of 2 gulls on the cliffs in Torbay. The current photos section has more pictures of gulls, some of spring tulips and many from around the city including downtown and Signal Hill.
The Image of the Week was taken in Pouch Cove. The current photos section has more pictures from Pouch Cove, Torbay, many of icebergs and spring flowers around the city.
The Image of the Week was taken in Logy Bay. The current photos section has more pictures from Logy Bay, some from the Botanical Gardens and downtown St. John's.
The Image of the Week is of a foggy Signal Hill. The current photos section has more pictures of the fog, some of spring flowers and snow, birds and Middle Cove.
The Image of the Week was taken in Stiles Cove. The current photos section has more pictures from Stiles Cove, more of the icebergs in Quidi Vidi, some of birds and downtown St. John's on a sunny day and in the fog.
The Image of the Week was taken in Quidi Vidi. There are a couple of icebergs there that are drawing large crowds. The Current Photos section has many more pictures of the icebergs, some of birds, O'Brien's Farm and spring crocuses.
The Image of the Week is a Tufted Duck. The current photos section has more bird photos, some from CBS, downtown St. John's and Cape Spear and some spring crocus shots.
The Image of the Week was taken from the East Coast Trail in Quidi Vidi. The current photos section has more pictures of icebergs and pack ice, some of birds and some from Middle Cove.